Welcome Dear Students:

En esta primera semana vamos a realizar la retroalimentación de las pruebas EVALUAR PARA AVANZAR. Debes descargar el archivo que encuentras a continuación, en la ultima parte encuentras la prueba, la transcribes en tu cuaderno con las respuestas correctas (están en el mismo archivo antes del examen) y me envías las fotos de esta actividad a mi correo electrónico. Debe ser hecha en el cuaderno no en documento digital.

Download the file here (Descarga el formulario aquí):

Solve and send it to the teacher´s email: jennyacuna83@gmail.com.

If you have any questions, please contact me through email and hangouts chat. 


 Week:  August 11 to 25

Workshop # 3

En esta rotación debes diseñar una actividad o juego, puede ser una sopa de letras (wordsearch), un crucigrama (crossword), memory, etc, de un  tema en inglés de tu preferencia. Puedes hacerlo en una plataforma virtual como quizziz, educaplay o cualquiera que conozcas. Para calificarte solo tendrías que enviarme el link de la actividad que hiciste al correo electrónico.
No puede ser copiada debe ser hecha por ti, de lo contrario perderás la nota.

Solve and send it to the teacher´s email: jennyacuna83@gmail.com.

If you have any questions, please contact me through email and hangouts chat. 


Week: July 28 to August 03

Workshop # 2

Plan de mejoramiento 

Debes ingresar a joinmyquiz.com y escribir el código: 2407 6110


This week, you´re going to answer a test about MEANS OF TRANSPORT. For this reason, you have to enter to this website: joinmyquiz.com and then, write the following code: 2536 7462Please, write you full name and answer all the questions, only you have 2 attempts.
You must join with a google or hotmail account.

(Esta semana, vas a contestar un test sobre "MEANS OF TRANSPORT" no una guía. Por esta razón, tienes que entrar a la siguiente pagina: joinmyquiz.com  y luego escribir el siguiente código: 2536 7462. Favor escribir nombre completo y responder todas las preguntas, solo tienes dos intentos, la prueba queda guardada con tus datos, no tienes que enviar nada).
Debes unirte con una cuenta de Google o Hotmail para poder ingresar a la prueba.

If you have any questions, please contact me through email and hangouts chat. 


Week: July 19 to August 2 

Workshop # 1

These weeks, we are going to work on means of transport vocabulary 

Please take into account the recommendations given in the guide and in the class to solve it.

Download your guide here:

Solve and send it to the teacher´s email: jennyacuna83@gmail.com.

If you have any questions, please contact me through email and hangouts chat. 



Week: May 18 to 31

Due Date: June 01 (Fecha de entrega: 1 de junio)

Workshop # 3

These weeks, we are going to work on vocabulary and conversations at a travel agency.

Please take into account the recommendations given in the guide and in the class to solve it.

Download your guide here:

Solve and send it to the teacher´s email: jennyacuna83@gmail.com.

If you have any questions, please contact me through email and hangouts chat. 


Week: May 03rd to 14th

Due Date: May 14th (Fecha de entrega: 14 de mayo)

Guide # 2

These weeks, we are going to work on HOW TO MAKE A RESERVATION IN A HOTEL OR TOURIST PLAN.

Please take into account the recommendations given in the guide and in the class to solve it.

Download your guide here:

Solve and send it to the teacher´s email: jennyacuna83@gmail.com.

If you have any questions, please contact me through email and hangouts chat. 


Week: April 19th to 30th

Due Date: May 03rd (Fecha de entrega: 3 de mayo)

Guide # 1

These weeks, we are going to work on SECOND CONDITIONAL.

Watch the following videos to learn about this topic:

Download your guide here:

Please take into account the recommendations given in the class to solve the test.

If you have any questions, please contact me through email and hangouts chat. 


Welcome Dear Students:

Week: March 16th to 30th

Due Date: April 6th (Fecha de entrega: 6 de abril)

Third Leveling Guide

These weeks, we are going to work on Saber 11 English test (Prueba Saber 11 de Inglés).

Please take into account the recommendations given in the guide and in the class to solve it.

Click on the image to download the leveling guide # 3: (Da click en la imagen para descargar la guía)

Solve and send it to the teacher´s email: jennyacuna83@gmail.com.

If you have any questions, please contact me through email and hangouts chat. 


Week: March 1st to 12th

Due Date: March 12th (Fecha de entrega: doce de marzo)

Second Leveling Guide

These weeks, we are going to work on Weather conditions.

Watch the video about weather vocabulary

Now, pay attention to weather forecast in Chicago.

Please take into account the recommendations given in the guide and in the class to solve it.

Download your guide here:

Solve and send it to the teacher´s email: jennyacuna83@gmail.com.

If you have any questions, please contact me through email and hangouts chat. 


Week: February 15th to February 26th

Due Date: March 2nd (Fecha de entrega: dos de marzo)

First Leveling Guide

These weeks, we are going to work on PAST SIMPLE TENSE AND FIRST CONDITIONAL REVIEW.

Look at the videos and solve the guide according to the review seen in class:


Download the irregular verbs list here:


Please take into account the recommendatios given in the guide and in the class to solve it.

Download your guide here:

Solve and send it to the teacher´s email: jennyacuna83@gmail.com.

If you have any questions, please contact me through email and hangouts chat. 

This blog was created for you to access from home and work on the topics for this year.

During this week, you will solve a diagnostic guide that allows me to know your level of knowledge in the subject.

Please take into account the recommendatios given in the guide and in the class to solve your guide.

Download the guide here:

Solve and send it to the teacher´s email: jennyacuna83@gmail.com.

If you have any questions, please contact me through email and hangouts chat. 


Entradas populares de este blog

Docente: Jenny Acuña. Inglés y Lectura Crítica